Friday, December 30, 2005

Potato Salad Log

For reasons that cannot be adequately explained in a reasonable number of words, this posting will track the progress of four avid potato salad eaters over the next ten days.


Blogger Steve said...

560g. You should not be lookng forward to this.

Sat Dec 31, 08:49:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

query: Dave and I were debating - is it 10 lbs in 10 days, and 20 if someone else went to your place? Or 5 in 5, and 10 lbs if someone else went?

Sun Jan 01, 11:07:00 AM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

It was 10 in 10.

My initial weight was 181.7 lbs.

Sun Jan 01, 07:07:00 PM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

Everything was closed yesterday. This made or a good yesterday but bodes poorly for day 10.
Day 1 - 560g
Day 2 - 0
Day 3 - 344g
Total - 904g

Target - 4536g
Remaining - 3632g
Remaining per day - 519g

Mon Jan 02, 06:37:00 PM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

378g of German potato salad and the day is still young...

Tue Jan 03, 07:45:00 PM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

Day 1 - 560g
Day 2 - 0g
Day 3 - 344g
Day 4 - 784g
Total - 1688g

Target - 4536g
Remaining - 2848g
Remaining per day - 475g

Wed Jan 04, 01:33:00 AM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

Add 530g of German potato salad. This stuff is great! I'll probably go back for some more later but it is a bit early for brunch.

A scale at Target has me at 179.9 pounds - DOWN 1.8 pounds in five days. Look for my new diet book entitled "Mehr Kartoffel?" to be on store shelves by summer.

Wed Jan 04, 06:33:00 PM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

Day 1 - 560g
Day 2 - 0g
Day 3 - 344g
Day 4 - 784g
Day 5 - 886g
Total - 2574g

Target - 4536g
Remaining - 1962g
Remaining per day - 392g

Thu Jan 05, 02:30:00 AM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

414g so far today.

Thu Jan 05, 09:01:00 PM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

Day 1 - 560g
Day 2 - 0g
Day 3 - 344g
Day 4 - 784g
Day 5 - 886g
Day 6 - 780
Total - 3354g

Target - 4536g
Remaining - 1182g
Remaining per day - 296g

Fri Jan 06, 03:18:00 AM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

Things are not looking good for you Doug.

Day 1 - 560g
Day 2 - 0g
Day 3 - 344g
Day 4 - 784g
Day 5 - 886g
Day 6 - 780g
Day 7 - 446g
Total - 3800g

Target - 4536g
Remaining - 736g
Remaining per day - 245g

Fri Jan 06, 08:25:00 PM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

Day 1 - 560g
Day 2 - 0g
Day 3 - 344g
Day 4 - 784g
Day 5 - 886g
Day 6 - 780g
Day 7 - 446g
Day 8 - 474g
Total - 4274g

Target - 4536g
Remaining - 262g
Remaining per day - 131g

Sun Jan 08, 01:39:00 AM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

And 271g. Done, assuming that there is no "break-the-bottle" rule. Now to find a scale...

Mon Jan 09, 05:31:00 PM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

Final weight is 183 lbs, up 1.3 lbs.

Mon Jan 16, 10:11:00 PM PST  
Blogger MichelleK said...

I am so sad I missed this...really. What is German Potato salad anyway? Sounds like a cheat.

Mon Feb 13, 08:32:00 PM PST  
Blogger Steve said...

Missed it? But it lives on in the form of the bulging abdomens of all who participated.

As for its legality, I shall immediately dispatch Colin Powell to convince you of such by means of a Powerpoint presentation.

Tue Feb 21, 11:55:00 PM PST  

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